Clifton Beach
Renowned for its pure white sand, azure sea and stunning mountainous backdrop.
- Clifton Beach is in actuality a series of four beaches, and is one the most famous tourist spots in the world, renowned for its pure white sand, azure sea and stunning mountainous backdrop.
- The four beaches are separated by granite boulders, and it is the granite gravel that gives the beach its pure white colouring.
- The housing was originally laid out as bungalows for soldiers returning from WW1, and these were built from packing cases that contained motor cars. Houses in Clifton these days fetch the highest price on the South African property market, and are highly sought after by international globetrotters.
- Yachts anchor off the calmest beach, Fourth Beach, and during summer this is the most populated and glamorous beach. As an aside, Clifton was rated as 8th of the top 10 topless beaches in the world.
- Clifton was originally called Skoenmaker’s Gat (Cobbler’s Cave), after a ship deserter who lived in a cave there.
- In 1794 a slave ship wrecked on the beach; 200 slaves drowned, the 200 survivors were sold the next day in Cape Town.